
Will EPA Protect Our Families From Toxic Coal Water Pollution?

Will EPA Protect Our Families From Toxic Coal Water Pollution?

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Mary Anne Hitt In 1982, complying with a federal court order stemming from a lawsuit filed by environmentalists, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), finally issued regulations governing toxic pollution discharges under the 1972 Clean Water Act. Industry polluters had used political clout to delay those regulations for a decade. But […]

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    Hundreds Protest Against Genetically Engineered Trees

    Hundreds Protest Against Genetically Engineered Trees

    Global Justice Ecology Project Hundreds of demonstrators marched on an international forest biotechnology industry conference yesterday, demanding a ban on the release of genetically engineered (GE) trees into the environment. The protest, the largest yet against GE trees, occurred one day after two Asheville residents were arrested while disrupting a presentation, Engineering Trees for the […]

    The Necessity of Civil Disobedience: Bill Moyers Interviews Tim DeChristopher

    The Necessity of Civil Disobedience: Bill Moyers Interviews Tim DeChristopher

    During the closing weeks of the Bush White House, 27-year-old environmental activist Tim DeChristopher went to protest the auction of gas and oil drilling rights to more than 150,000 acres of publicly-owned Utah wilderness. But instead of waving a sign, DeChristopher disrupted the proceedings by starting to bid. Given an auction paddle designating him “Bidder […]

    Groups Voice Concerns as Senate Confirms Moniz as Secretary of Energy

    Groups Voice Concerns as Senate Confirms Moniz as Secretary of Energy

    EcoWatch Yesterday, the U.S. Senate unanimously confirmed Dr. Ernest Moniz as the new Secretary of Energy of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). President Obama selected Dr. Ernest Moniz, a scientist and professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as his choice to run the DOE. His confirmation has received mixed responses from health and environmental advocates. […]

    New Buycott App Makes Voting with Your Dollar Easier Than Ever

    New Buycott App Makes Voting with Your Dollar Easier Than Ever

    EcoWatch Voting with your dollar has never been easier. “Have you ever wondered whether the money you spend ends up funding causes you oppose?” Thanks to the new Buycott app, you can organize your consumer spending to support causes you care about, and oppose those that you don’t—all by using your smart phone. The program […]

    Greenpeace Activists Board Ship in Protest of Australia’s Coal Export Boom

    Greenpeace Activists Board Ship in Protest of Australia’s Coal Export Boom

    Greenpeace At sunrise, the six activists left the Rainbow Warrior on inflatable boats and drew up alongside the MV Meister, a ship carrying thermal coal loaded at Abbot point in Queensland. Using steel ladders, they climbed the side of the ship and 18 hours later remain on the vessel. Greenpeace boarded the ship just after […]

    35,000+ March at Forward on Climate Rally

    35,000+ March at Forward on Climate Rally Sierra Club Natural Resources Defense Council Today, during President’s Day weekend, more than 35,000 people marched to the President’s doorstep to support immediate action to contain climate change. People from more than 30 states across the country whose land, homes and health is being threatened by the climate crisis, as well as students, scientists, […]

    How Factory Farming Contributes to Global Warming

    How Factory Farming Contributes to Global Warming

    Ronnie Cummins Today, nearly 65 billion animals worldwide, including cows, chickens and pigs, are crammed into CAFOs. A growing number of organic consumers, natural health advocates and climate hawks are taking a more comprehensive look at the fundamental causes of global warming. And its led them to this sobering conclusion: our modern energy-, chemical- and genetically […]

    DEBATE: McKibben vs. Epstein—Are Fossil Fuels a Risk to the Planet?

    DEBATE: McKibben vs. Epstein—Are Fossil Fuels a Risk to the Planet?

    After one hour and thirty-nine minutes of watching Bill McKibben “debate” Alex Epstein on whether fossil fuels pose a risk to the planet, my daughter and I were outraged that Epstein is capable of taking such a humanistic, anthropocentric position on the issues regarding the health of our planet. Nothing could better demonstrate Epstein’s complete […]